Our Labour Laws practice provides tax efficient / cash flow efficient & practical solutions to enable…
The law relating to labour and employment is also known as Industrial law in India. The history of labour legislation in India is interwoven with the history of British colonialism. India received the first stipulation of eight hours of work, the abolition of child labour, and the restriction of women in night employment, and the introduction of overtime wages for work beyond eight hours.
Labour laws generally being transaction driven taxes require specific evaluation. Further owing to numerous amendments introduced by the Government in the labour laws it becomes imperative to revisit the earlier evaluation on a regular basis. In the light of various complex and unique transactions it is a pre-requisite that each transaction is given due attention by a team of experts.
As one of the leading advisors to businesses with global ambition, Taxpert Professionals recognizes the need to provide Registrations under Labour laws and its compliance assistance. Our Labour Laws team is resolute on providing realistic and implementable solutions in a time efficient manner with reasonable cost and risks. Some of significant Labour Laws includes, Shops & Establishments, Profession Tax, Labour Welfare Fund and Contract Labour.
How Taxpert Professionals can assist you?
Labour Laws Structuring and Planning
- Agreement review/ drafting for tax optimisation
- Advice on setting up business in tax efficient manner
- Identifying mechanism to optimise set-offs and credits
- Registration under Profession Tax;
- Registration under Shops & Establishments;
- Registration under Labour Welfare Fund;
- Registration under Contact Labour;
Representational Services
- Appearing before all adjudicating authorities and the Tribunal;
- Represent before Profession Tax Authorities for specific issues;
- Represent before the Shops & Establishment Authorities related to statutory registers & compliances;
- Represent before Labour Welfare Fund Authority related to Registration, amendments, payments & returns queries, etc.;
- Represent before Contract Labour Authority to attend the Vendor Audit, Labour Inspection etc.;
Comprehensive Health Check/ Reviews
- Evaluation on applicability of Labour laws;
- Examine statutory records/ documents maintained for various Labour laws
- Provide a detailed report outlining the observations and suggestions for implementation
Compliance Services
- Assistance in computation of monthly / yearly tax liability under Profession Tax, Labour Welfare Fund etc.;
- Assistance in preparation and filing of statutory returns;
- Assistance in preparation & filing of annual returns under Profession Tax, Labour Welfare Fund etc.;
- Amendment & Renewal (if any) of Shops & Establishment Registration;
The Taxpert Professional advantage
- One-stop solutions
- Comprehensive approach leading to integrated and seamless services
- Dedicated specialists with significant experience
Global network for assisting in cross border services